Secure password storing • • 9/13

Bcrypt (Blowfish-hash-function)

Salting makes it definitively more difficult to recover the passwords, but there is still the problem with the fast video cards. Investing 3 seconds of computing power seems not a too big obstacle.


This is the reason why Bcrypt was invented. It originates from the encryption algorithm Blowfish, nevertheless it is a real hash-function.

💡 Nowadays one should also take Argon2 into consideration.

For comparison: Even if we need only 1 ms computing power per hash-value, the creation of our example rainbow-table needs 8 months instead of 0.4 seconds.

The cost factor


The cost factor determines, how many times the Bcrypt function is called consecutively. The cost factor will be raised to the power of 2, that means, increasing the cost factor by 1, will double the computing time.

$numberofRounds = 2 ^ $costFactor

Storing in the database

Of course the cost factor has to be stored as well in the database. This makes it possible to adapt the cost factor and to store a new hash-value.

Often hash-values are generated with a utility like crypt (Unix), a range of computer languages like PHP have adopted this format. It writes the used algorithm, the cost factor, the salt and the hash-value to a string of length 60. That string fits smoothly in database field.


Other good algorithms

There are other algorithms which can be used for password hashing, all of them offer a cost factor. Recommended ones are Argon2, SCrypt, BCrypt, and the somewhat older PBKDF2.